This application is for entertainment purposes. Developers dont guarantee that results are authentic. For getting more accurate prediction we recommend you contact with the experts of your Pre-conception clinic.
There are a lot of methods of planning the gender of your unborn child: "Chinese Gender Predictor", "Blood renewal", "Japanese method", "By parents blood types", etc.
“I am pregnant! What’s next?” - There always is time when every woman asks herself this question. You’ve eventually passed through the planning of your baby’s birth, and now you’re pregnant at last. But there is still remains the main question: “Who?” Boy or girl? Adorable daughter or smart son? Chinese gender predictor along with another methods of this app will help you to predict the gender of your unborn baby before it would be possible by ultrasound investigation.
What approaches does this application consist?
1. Blood renewal. It is believed that the blood of a man is refreshed during every fourth year of his life, and a woman’s on every third. At the time of conception, the person whose blood is younger (dad or mum) determines the sex of a baby.
2. By parents blood types. People have little marker things called antigens on the surface of their red blood cells. The two most important ones are AB0 system antigens and the Rh system. The combination of parents blood types defines the possibility of birth children with different gender.
3. Chinese Gender Predictor. This approach uses information about age of future mother and when she got pregnant. Legend says the chart is more than 700 years old and was discovered in a royal tomb.
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